Sunday 1 February 2015

Looking Ahead

STOP PRESS : we will be running again this year our very popular Summer School.  17th to 21st August, 9.30 to 4.30 each day, for 8 to 16 year olds at Arabesque School, Chichester. We have fantastic tutors in dance, singing, acting, stage make up, mime, and design, and this year we will be going on a tour of the Festival Theatre!! Total cost for the whole week £165 ( (£150 for siblings) - however, book early and save money: places booked and £50 deposit paid by end March will be £140 (£125 siblings), end April £150 (£135 siblings), end May £155 (£140 siblings) end June £160 (£145 siblings). Places limited so dont miss out, bookings being taken now!!

ALSO, new this year we are running a Summer School in the mornings only for 4 to 7 year olds. Games/drama/ craft around a different theatrical theme each day. 9.30 to 12.00. £75 for the week (£65 for siblings). Again discounts for early bookings; places booked and deposit of £25 paid by end March will be £60 (siblings £55), end April £65 (siblings £60), end May £70 (siblings £65) . Places limited, bookings being taken now!!

Also : HALF TERM WORKSHOP on Friday 29th May. With guest tutor Victoria Hallett along with our own tutors! Acting/singing/dancing/games 10 am to 4pm. £25 per child. (£20 for siblings). EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT: if booked and paid by end March £20 per child (£18 for siblings). Places limited - book NOW!!