Friday 26 October 2018

Knightstar reaches out to the community

Jackie writes; "I am very excited to announce our next Knightstar venture - sing-a-long sessions specifically aimed at people with Dementia and their carers - but anyone welcome! I am starting this having seen the need for more sessions like this in the area for people with Dementia- having witnessed first hand the HUGE positive effects which music and singing have to someone with Dementia. This will be our first session and we will decide when/ how often to run future sessions once we gauge the interest. Please pass the word around. If anyone would be willing to come and help either with chatting/welcoming or with serving teas and/or making cakes we would be very grateful. This will be a not for profit venture and all helpers are volunteers as always."

Tuesday 2 October 2018

Just 83 days from now......

You know what's coming up..... 

But before all that, Knightstar have their amazing, annual, get-you-in-the-mood Christmas Show

...and for that you have to wait just 67 days....

Saturday 16 June 2018

Emerging from The Woods

The wonderful performances of Once Upon a Dream and Into the Woods prove, yet again, what an ambitious and successful Youth Theatre Company Knightstar is. Thank you to all who came to watch. Everyone went away enthralled.

Emerging from deep within the dark and dream-filled woods, we are now looking ahead to our Christmas Show on Sunday December 9th.

Auditions will be held on Monday 20th September ~ contact us for more details ~

Friday 30 March 2018

Here Comes the Summer Sun.....

This is what we need to be looking forward to as we peer through the current rain and snow.....

Monday 12 February 2018

Welcome Caroline.

We are pleased to welcome to the Production Team for Into the Woods, Caroline Bennett as our vocal coach.

Caroline is Co-director of The Academy of Musical Theatre in Portsmouth and many of you will have seen her performing with BROS.

Caroline will be a great asset to our team and we look forward to working with her!!

If you go down to the Woods........

We had a fantastic turn out for our auditions and now have a superb cast assembled. We are ready to start our journey Into the Woods.

Shows will be staged on the 2nd and 3rd June at Barnham Community Hall. Tickets can be purchased by messaging're sure of a big surprise.

Thursday 4 January 2018