Saturday 8 February 2020

Joseph Tickets Available Now...


Tickets are on sale NOW.

To obtain tickets please email
with your order - please remember to state clearly how many, which performance, whether full price or concessions (OAP or child up to 16). Once acknowledged you will be requested to pay on line (preferred), or when you pick them up at the next rehearsal. This can now be done by any debit or credit card using our new card system. Cash or cheques can still be used to pay but is our least preferred system so if at all possible please pay in on line or with your card at rehearsals.

You must pay for tickets before you will be able to pick them up.

Tickets will be ready for picking up and also on sale at every rehearsal from

Please only use the ticket email address for orders not our Knightstar email address or the Facebook page.

Please get your orders in as soon as possible as we will sell out.
Seating is unreserved.

Performances :
Saturday 2nd May 7pm
Sunday 3rd May 11am
Sunday 3rd May 3pm.
Tickets full price £11, concessions £9.